We Help People Get Set Free From Addictions

There's Always Hope & Compassion for Those Struggling with Addictions.

Addictions of any kind will have a root cause. We understand that individuals don’t wake up one morning and decide they were going to be an addict. The lifestyle of an addict becomes such a part of their life they may not be able to tell you where the root of their addiction lies. We consider our counselors to be experts at finding out what the root issues are. Getting to the root of the addiction is the key to being set free. One common example of a root issue that addicts struggle with is rejection. They feel like an outsider looking in and that no one cares for them. This is just one sign of rejection. In this case our goal would be to find out why the individual feels rejected.

Touching on root issues can oftentimes be very emotional. We will always use care in dealing with those who come to us for help. We take our time when dealing with these sensitive subjects. The road to recovery can be long so we take as much time as needed with each individual until we have breakthroughs.

Hope & Compassion has a recovery rate of approximately 40%. This is about five times that of 12 step programs. In fact, most of our success cases have been in and out of 12 step programs for years. If you or someone you know is struggle with addition, give us a call today!

Call Today! 501-514-1625